Bringing Hope to Hard Places
OneChild sponsors provide encouragement, love and support to children living in poverty. And they empower an entire community of caring individuals who walk alongside those children as they grow. Through that community, sponsorship provides the resources and opportunities children need to rise above their circumstances and reach their potential in Christ. In fact, recent research demonstrates that child sponsorship is one of the most effective ways to combat global poverty. There’s real power in one person reaching out to one child through community—power that changes both lives!

Get Involved
OneChild sponsors empower the loving community that surrounds each child in our care. You can provide education, medical care, spiritual support, and hope to a child in desperate need.
*Child sponsorship is based on need and availability. If no children’s profiles are listed when clicking the button below, please reach out to us to express your interest in sponsorship by email at hello@trademark.church.

Hoop For Hope is a mission to build basketball courts at every Hope Center in the Dominican Republic! Our first goal is to build 5 courts within the next 5 years. These basketball courts will not only create a safe environment for children to play in and get physical exercise but they’ll accomplish even more. These courts will also draw in kids from the surrounding areas to Hope Centers, where they will receive educational help, nutritional/medical attention, and mentorship. Most importantly, kids will be exposed to the truth that they are loved by Jesus! Your generosity can make this a reality!
*Click the button below and select “Hoop for Hope” from the dropdown menu.
Sign up for one of our Dominican Republic Discovery Trips where you’ll get first hand experience with the churches and Hope Centers making an impact on their communities. We have to trips coming up in 2024. June 13th through the 19th and July 11th through the 17th.